There are two important steps before you become CrewPass Approved.
One is to fill out a background checking form which asks a range of questions which will kick off your criminal record check. These checks will take roughly 7-10 days (sometimes it takes even less time)! While waiting for your results to come back, the other step you can do is your ID verification. Once both the ID verification and your background checks are completed and hopefully passed, you will be awarded the CrewPass Approved accreditation, a unique ID badge and our digital certificate.How to complete your ID verification:1) Download the CrewPass app, log in and start the ID verification process
2) Choose a form of ID: Passport or National Identity Card
3) Take a clear photo of the front of your ID
4) Take a clear photo of the back of your ID
5) Make sure the whole ID is in the photo, and the information is readable
6) Take a self-portrait photo
7) Make sure your face is in the over and the image is clear
8) Wait for your results to come back
9) Your results should be completed in a few minutes
Can't find the ID verification process?If you can’t find the process to complete your ID process, there is a simple solution!Usually, this issue occurs if the user accidentally closes off the ID verification pop up when they first sign into our app.All you have to do is sign out of the app and log back in to trigger this pop-up again, which should bring up the ID verification process.
If you are still having trouble or have some concerns or confusion, please get in touch with our customer support team: