CrewPass is the new gold standard of employment, and leading crew recruitment agencies recognise our accreditation. We aim to make the marine industry safer for yacht crew, vessels, and agencies. CrewPass offers employers assurance that their staff are who they say they are by providing ID verification checks and enhanced background checks (including criminal record checks).However, CrewPass is more than a crew vetting service; we also offer an innovative app that provides yacht crew and captains an operation hub that makes day to day operations run smoother. This app sets us apart from our competition as CrewPass aims to bring the yachting industry into the 21st century by putting all essential tasks, documents, and information in one app to improve the performance of vessels. In this blog, I will explain the key features of the CrewPass app, including encrypted chats, watch rotas, our vault of information, the ins and outboard, and crew lists.
Information kept in a "vault"
CrewPass’ app acts like a vault storing all of your useful information and documents in one place. Crew members can add all their basic personal information, i.e., visas, vaccinations, training certificates… Accessing all this information in one place makes life just a little bit easier for you. If you have signed up to CrewPass and you have been approved by us, you can also send out your unique ID number to potential employers so that they can send you a record request. If you accept this record request, your employer will have access to all your stored information and documents making the employment process hassle-free.
Other basic information can be added, giving you a chance to shine within our description box and skills box. Basic (but essential) information such as your name, date of birth and location are featured under your profile. There will be no more worrying about where you have misplaced documents because we will keep all of this secure within our app. Plus, we will even inform you when a document like a training certificate needs renewing, keeping you in the loop and on top of your game at all times!

Digitalised crew list
CrewPass’ app allows captains to effortlessly assign new and existing crew members to the current vessel’s crew list. Our crew list will enable vessels to have a complete list of employees in one place! The crew list is fully digitalised, allowing captains to access this list from their mobile devices. Like all of CrewPass’ app features, the crew list is straightforward to manage; therefore, it is easy to add or remove crew within seconds. The crew list also shows crew members’ vessel positions and if they have been approved or not and if they are on or off-board etc. Having access to a digitalised crew list increases accessibility to valuable information and enhances efficiency.

In and out board and smart beacons
The CrewPass crew list feature directly links to the in and outboard. This app feature allows crew members to update their vessel location to either ‘Onboard,’ ‘Off the vessel,’ or ‘On leave’ by tapping the CrewPass beacons with their phones. These beacons will be provided to vessels free of charge allowing captains to implement this new clocking system effortlessly to their routine. Once a crew member taps in or out with the beacons, their vessel status will be automatically updated on the crew list. This is a crucial safety feature as this allows captains to instantly locate staff in case of an emergency on board. For example, if there was a fire on board, the captain can account for who is currently on board and give that information to emergency services to prevent potential incidents.
Digitalised watch rotas
At CrewPass, we aim to make life onboard easier which is why we have digitalised watch rotas allowing you to access these rotas on your phones and tablets. It is a straightforward process; the captain can put anyone on the vessel’s crew list on watch. Crew members will be notified when they have been on watch via our app, and the crew will be categorised by their vessel department. CrewPass digitalised watch rotas so that everyone on board can access their rota wherever and whenever. Increase your vessel’s efficiency by planning weeks in advance! Easily assign or remove crew to and from the watch rota. CrewPass watch rotas also have a feature that allows captains to lock the watch rotas, enabling crew members to access and view the rota without editing or changing it.

Inter-crew encrypted chats
Many captains typically do not like crew using social media onboard, but communications is still vital, which is why CrewPass has created a professional chat feature to please all involved! With the CrewPass inter-crew vessel chats, crew and captains can create private and group chats. Create department group chats or speak one on one with the captain on a private chat. This innovative app feature is also handy for people who do not have social media or for people who keep their social media private. Crew members who do not subscribe to social media no longer need to be excluded from socialising and onboard communication! CrewPass’ encrypted chats allow crew and captains to communicate within their vessel securely.